Ten Acre Crisps - The Story of When Sugarpuffish Met Her Future Love

Ten Acre Crisps the story of when the cheese met the onion vegan
It is really petty when you think about it, there are bigger problems in life but one of my grumbles is flavoured crisps contain milk. It totally sucks and you even have to watch out because some ready salted varieties are not safe (I’m looking at you Sunbites). The other year Walkers put meat and milk into their crisps so double the trouble and totally screwed at parties with nibbles. 

This weekend, whilst browsing an organic store for treats, I stumbled across Ten Acre Crisps. I remembered I had followed them on Twitter but had not got around to viewing their website. I started exploring the flavours on display but I instinctively dismissed some of them as not suitable for me. The flavours names are a brilliant bit of marketing and they are - 
  • The Secret of Mr Salt
  • When Bombay got Spice
  • The Story of when the Cheese met the Onion
  • How Chicken Soup Saved the Day
  • When Hickory Got BBQ’d
  • The Amazing Adventures of Salt & Vinegar
  • When Chilli Got Sweet
  • The Day Sweet & Sour Became Friends
I threw When Hickory Got BBQ’d into my basket and kept on shopping. Thankfully, my Boyfriend took an interest and spotted all the flavours were dairy free, gluten free and carried the Vegan Trademark logo. This prompted me to repeat 100 times, like a 5 year old child, “they’re dairy free, are you sure? What even the cheese and onion? I can eat the cheese and onion?” Cut a long story short, Saturday afternoon I savored every last cheese & onion crisp in my packet like it was my last day on earth. I waited 28 years for that moment and I declared my love of Ten Acres on Twitter. These are good crisps, no scratch that, they are totally super duper awesome (and very tasty) because they do not contain dairy, not even a may contain label. Hallelujah, let us all raise a glass to the crisp Gods and tell Walkers where to shove it.

Sarah x