My Skin Troubles - an unexpected flare up of eczema

skin problems and living with eczema
I have to confess that I am struggling for product reviews at the moment. I’m suffering from random rashes and eczema breakouts and it is making testing products a struggle because I have to be so careful. This is the reality of my life. Just when I am lulled into a false sense of security and preaching to the internet, then this happens.

It is always frustrating trying to pin point what triggered the latest eczema breakout. My skin is not my friend at the moment and it is driving me around the bend. Random rashes are make me feel less confident in my skin and do not make me feel sexy. People often compliment my skin but this is what is lurking under my clothes. Luckily this time my eczema is not causing me too much trouble in terms of pain or irritation.

I'm often asking myself why does my body hate me so much? why can’t I just be normal? I am not going to lie, at this moment in time I absolutely hate my eczema and allergies. How do I deal with it? I have a moan about it and then take positive steps to manage it.

Anyone else struggling with their sensitive skin and eczema? Lets all have a cry about it together and I'm sending out virtual hugs to you.

Sarah x

Update: this flare up on my shoulder pictured above was later diagnosed as Urticaria