Review: Bloom Remedies Clear Vitality Pulse Point Roll On

Review: Bloom Remedies Clear Vitality Pulse Point Roll On
You all know the Serenity Slumber Pillow Mist is one of my most beloved products and if you love aromatherapy products then I highly recommend Bloom Remedies. A few months back I bought the Clear Vitality Pulse Point Roll On as I was looking for a replacement for Bodhi & Birch Mint Thé Temple Balm.

Clear Vitality is a refreshing blend of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Rosemary. For me it is perfect for all sorts of occasions. I included the roll on in my 10 Summer Holiday Essentials because it’s pocket and travel friendly. It is great for perking you up when you have an afternoon slump in energy, for clearing fuzzy heads at work and for helping breathe a little easier during seasonal allergies or colds. The Pulse Point Roll On is part of a range of products in the Clear Vitality, which also includes body oil, bath oil, shower gel and bath salts. The other wellness blends are Peaceful Mind, Serenity Slumber and Deep Release.

If you haven’t already familiarised yourself with Bloom Remedies then go check them out at

Sarah x