Ocean Saver Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products - All Purpose Floor Cleaner Eco Drop Rhubarb Coral

Ocean Saver All Purpose Floor Cleaner Eco Drop Rhubarb Coral
(I paid for this product, price correct at time of publication)

I've remained loyal to the same household cleaning products for years. I've been using a combination of Bio-D, Tincture LondonGreenscents and I have a favourite product from each brand. During lockdown and with the loss of my job I was seeking accessible and budget friendly options. I thought that might be mission impossible but I'm pleased to say I found Ocean Saver.

Single use plastics are the biggest threat to our planet and oceans. Any small changes we can make has to be better than doing nothing at all. When possible I try to reuse bottles and I'm always seeking refillable options. Ocean Saver Eco Drops are a simple idea, you buy a "pod" of concentrated cleaning solution, drop it into a bottle, fill that bottle with 750ml water, give it a shake and the eco drop dissolves. It couldn't be simpler. One Eco Drop costs £1.50 and  you can purchase direct from Ocean Saver or do as I did and buy at Sainsbury's.
Ocean Saver All Purpose Floor Cleaner Eco Drop
Ocean Saver offer a range of cleaners for specific tasks around the home. At the time of purchase I was only looking to replace my floor cleaner. I've been very satisfied with the plant based cleaning solution of Ocean Saver All Purpose Floor Cleaner Eco Drop in Rhubarb Coral scent. I will spritz my Amtico floor and wipe over with a damp sponge or cloth. I can target stubborn patches or simply refresh the floors. When I have run out of my other cleaning products I will look to purchase more from Ocean Saver. The Anti-Bac, Multi-Purpose and Glass Cleaner are likely to be next on my list.

This is a super quick review because let's face it cleaning floors isn't very exciting but I was keen to share my new purchase. Ocean Saver Eco Drops are natural ingredient based, biodegradable, cruelty free and vegan . If you don't have a spare 750ml bottle in your home, you can purchase a reusable one from Ocean Saver. 

Sarah x